Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why Do All My Blogs Get Written In the A.M.

Seeing as right now I'm totally whacked out on Demerol, I figured I would write a blog entry to capture the madness. Actually, I'm not whacked out on Demerol, and I don't even know what that does, but I just thought it would be a phenomenal opening line, so I ran with it.

So on that off chance that you haven't noticed, I've been SERIOUSLY forgetting that I have this, mostly because I just don't go to Starbucks or anywhere and write in my notebook anymore, thus having ammunition for my blog. Which is sad, yes, I know, but I'm still pretty good at coming up with this junk off the top of my head as well. Not to mention that I've got an audience of probably a whopping 4 people (only because I know at least 4 people who read this because they TOLD me they do), so I feel like I need to milk these absences for as much as I can get to build anticipation of an additional blog entry somewhere down the road, even if it is me just rambling for 19 paragraphs about how I've been gone for a long time and don't ever update and blah dee blah dee blah.

I am still in my full on 'listen to as much music as you can' tear that I have been basically since I started this sucker, and from even before that. I think the reason for that is two-fold.

1. I'm BURNED OUT on movies. I never watch movies anymore. Hence me attempting to sell off a good chunk of my collection so I can get a better TV. It's going to get to a point here soon where I look over all of my flicks and pull off a Top 50 or Top 100 movies to keep, and all the rest are getting sold. I've gone over this in my head for a while, and even though it is painful because I spent SO MUCH time and money (especially money) building up this collection, the fact is, I just download the movies in HD on my computer, and if I get a nicer TV, I can just hook up an HDMI cable from my lappy, and BOOM, HD movies for nothing. Sure, it's HOLY SHIT ILLEGAL, but at this point, I don't have the money to try to buy a new TV AND Blu-Rays AND a Blu-Ray player. The TV itself is about a $400 investment MINIMUM. I'll take that and an HDMI cable and be set for the day, thanks.

2. I have so much free time to sit around before school, after school, when there's no sports on, when I'm at work in the back (although that's not free time, but I do have my iPod), you know, pretty much all the time, and there is NO better way to pass the time for a guy with no friends that he hangs out with than to listen to a hell of a lot of music, and in large chunks.

Music is a time consumer in ways that movies never could be. I can sit down and listen to music for everything, and just have it go in one ear and out the other. I'm sure you know this, but still, it helps what I'm saying here, so just live with it.

Actually, after reading that last sentence, it seems like I'm trying to prove a point, which I'm not. I'm just blogging. Oh well. Music > Movies, at least at this point in my life. That's HUGE.

I need to gain around 15-20 pounds of muscle, and I have NO idea where to start. One of my friends told me to eat and work out. I have to mull that one over.

So how awesome have the NBA playoffs been? We've got a modern day classic series (Bulls/Celts), my favorite team sweeping in the first round and being a near surefire lock for the finals (Cavs), some sick western conference showdowns (Blazers/Rockets, Hornets/Nuggets when the Hornets decide to show up), and the emergence of a great point guard rivalry (back to Bulls/Celts in Rose/Rondo). Seriously, if Chicago can STAY this good, Rose/Rondo is going to be nationally televised every single time they play next season. Bank on it. I hate both those teams, but with those 2 helming, as a Cavs fan, I'm a TEENY bit frightened. The winner of that series is the ONLY team that I can see having the slightest conceivable shot of beating the Cavs. Nobody else seems like they could. Magic. 76ers. Heat. Hawks. All of them have problems that the Cavs can absolutely exploit. The Bulls and Celtics have problems that the Cavs can exploit, but they can work around that, which is what scares me. I hope they get knocked out in the second round.

Speaking of sports, the NFL Draft. Yeah, I didn't enjoy watching and having Mangini keep trading down and trading down. Hopefully everything works out, but while watching, I was getting pissed. My 'mark out moment' was when I saw they drafted Robiskie. That's freaking AWESOME. He can definitely be a credible #2 threat across from Edwards.

So I'm excited for summer because I've got as many as 10 people who I'm at least 80% sure I'll see!

1. Everett (and our dates, if they accept) for Jon and Kate's wedding = 3
2. Brent, Mike, Will, and Ethan who said they will try to make it down = 7
3. My sister, who I'm sure will come down again because she's awesome = 8
4. Leah & Julie who will probably come visit Vanessa and see me as well = 10

Woohoo! Finally visitors! It is about time. Plus, I'm pretty sure some people should come down for the Indians/Reds game. I know it's the second to last weekend in May, and I know I talked to Lyndon about this, so that's possible as well. Here's to it happening, maybe.

Alright, I've had enough writing. So, until my next blog, I'm going to leave you with the following songs that you must listen to in order to be on my 'Hey, you know, this person is really cool' list. Funk out.

My Bloody Valentine - Sometimes
Slow Club - Christmas TV
Frightened Rabbit - Good Arms vs. Bad Arms
Talking Heads - Big Daddy
Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Lies)
The Grand Archives - Sleepdriving
Bon Iver - Blood Bank
Rogue Wave - Lake Michigan
Jane's Addiction - Ocean Size
The Pixies - Alec Eiffel
The Shins - The Past and Pending

I have no idea if there is flow to that or not. Probably not. It's just stuff you should listen to.

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