Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So Here's the Deal

I'm writing this blog entry fueled on hatred and rage right now, so if I swear, too bad.

So this series is over, and here's why. It's not because the Cavs have been mercilessly outplayed in this entire series, although that's true. It's not even because they're down 3 games to 1, because as brutal as that seems, it's been bounced back from a FEW times, so it's a proven possibility. No, the reason that this series is over is because the Cavs are going to go back to Cleveland for Game 5, and it's just not going to be the same, and if it is, they managed to snag the most 20,000 most optimistic Cleveland fans in the entire WORLD and jampack them into the Q, because pretty much any Cleveland fan with a pulse knows this series is over based on Cleveland's brutal sports championship history (or lack thereof). I can absolutely see a Magic first quarter runaway that the crowd AND the Cavs just can't recover from, and it'll end right there. If Cleveland somehow does manage to pull out a miracle from those completely unrealistic and naive fans, then they'll go back to Orlando and get drive-by murdered. This series does not go 7 games, and it'll miraculously go 6. I have no faith in the Cavs fan because the first part of their name is 'Cleveland'. I have faith in LBJ, and I have faith in Mo Williams, and I even have faith in Mike Brown. The problem comes about as soon as you attach that Cleveland to the name of anyone. I will bet you anything that when Lebron jumps ship in 2010 (which he will now, and I'm going to follow him to that team), within 3 years they will win a championship, for no other reason than that the word Cleveland isn't holding him back.

It disgusts me that I have to write this, and it disgusts me that I've lost all faith in Cleveland sports, and it disgusts me to an even further extent that I DEFENDED Cleveland sports for so long, only to have this disappointment heaped on the following that happened in my sports following lifetime

- 1995 World Series
- 1997 World Series
- The new Browns blowing a huge halftime lead in Pittsburgh in their only playoff game since becoming the new Browns
- The 10-6 Browns not making the playoffs because they lost to 2 BAD teams in their last 2 very winable games.
- 2006-2007 Cavs overcoming the odds, beating the Pistons, only to get swept by the Spurs.
- Now, most likely the 2008-2009 Cavs being the best team in the league, losing in (probably) 5 games to the Orlando Magic.

That last one is easily the most spirit crushing for me since it happened at the time I care the most about any sport. Just as I believe that the 1997 World Series and Jose Mesa's meltdown was the most spirit crushing for Matt Flinner (as we've had the discussion and relived that pain quite a few times, always making Jose Mesa even MORE of a douchebag than the last time).

So, in conclusion, I would say my Cleveland fanship contract is coming to an end. The Indians get me through this year, the Browns get me through this year, and the Cavs get me through next year (or as long as they have Lebron, because he WILL retire with a championship, and you can quote me on that).

I will never cheer for the following teams, though.

MLB: New York Yankess. Boston Red Sox. Florida Marlins. Atlanta Braves. New York Mets. Los Angeles Dodgers.
NFL: Pittsburgh Steelers. Cincinnati Bengals. Baltimore Ravens. New England Patriots. Dallas Cowboys. Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
NBA: Boston Celtics. Orlando Magic. L.A. Lakers. San Antonio Spurs. Dallas Mavericks. Detroit Pistons.


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