Thursday, March 26, 2009

I Can't Really Sleep Right Now

So I've been up since 5:55 a.m. today (yesterday, whatever) and last night (again, however you decipher that) I went to a bar where one of my friends was being the dj because he called me and said it was boring, and I'm a good friend, so I went and didn't get to sleep til about 11:45. So yay. I'm tired, and here I am. Not exactly wide awake, but too entranced by music and my near empty bottle of V8 Splash to be able to go to sleep. For the last 2 hours, I have listened to BOTH of My Bloody Valentine's studio albums AND an EP, and I just started an M83 disc, which means it's likely gonna be another 45 minutes before I go to bed, simply because I don't like enjoy stopping albums in the middle of them, especially if they're good, and double especially if I have never listened to them before, and TRIPLE especially if I like the band. So this falls under the triple category, so naturally, I'm awake and (actually and surprisingly) really liking it.

I found out what the exact word/genre is for My Bloody Valentine's style of music. It's called Shoegazing. That's a WEIRD effing name for a genre of music, but hey, it's better than my classification of 'Noise', so props to the Shoegazing genre. In fact, it set in motion me checking on some other 'Shoegazing' or recommendations for MBV fans. As far as bands I've heard of but don't have much/any of there stuff, I came up with Fugazi, Whirlpool, Ride, The Cure, and This Mortal Coil. Quite an extraordinary list of bands, if I do say so myself, so of course, I'm currently in the process of grabbing some of that tunage.

So for those of you on Facebook, you will have noticed that I have finally come out VERY public about my massive crush on Kristen Bell. Yeah, it's there, and no, it's not going away anytime soon. She is just so damn cute in every aspect, and she's fun sized, at a mere 5' 1". That's insane. Even more so than that, she's from DETROIT MICHIGAN. Alright, if you thought there was anything in this world that I could really really like that came from the state of Michigan, raise your hand. Cars, only sort of count, but not really, so put your hands down. Don't question my logic.

You wanna know how big my crush on Kristen Bell is? I'm half considering watching the movie Pulse, simply because she was in it. And I have it on authority from every review I've read and even friends who have seen it that the movie is pure garbage.........and I'm STILL willing to watch it just for frightened Kristen Bell cuteness. I have friends who LOVE terrible scary movies (When a Stranger Calls remake, Boogeyman) who hated this movie. Look at me, still willing to take the bullet. At least she was also in a great comedy (Forgetting Sarah Marshall), so I can just watch that instead. Yay!

Today (again, yesterday, whatever), I decided, with a girl from work, that anyone who uses 'stupid cute' to describe anything ever needs to get hit with a bucket of plaster, followed swiftly by a bucket of cement. This may seem harsh, but that is a stupid (proper use!) way to describe something. You wouldn't say 'OMG, that is retarded pretty'. That is actually worse, and if you ever say that, guess what. No plaster, but an extra bucket of cement for my trouble.

I'm half tempted to walk outside in my underwear, but the only thing stopping me is the prospect of some ruffian seeing me and deciding to mug/kill me, and then BOOM, dying or dead in my underwear. That should be enough to stop nearly anyone from doing that.

I found out tonight(you should be understanding this yourself by now) that Colorado Springs is the number 117 (or in that area) market for radio and tv in the nation. I think that sounds like a pretty solid place to try to start.

Alright, I'm gonna wind this down, but to sum up. Here's the abbreviated version

- My Bloody Valentine's Loveless, Isn't Anything, Strawberry Wine EP, and M83's Digital Shades Volume 1 = Good Music. Period.
- Kristen Bell = My desire.
- Stupid Cute = Hit with plaster and cement. In buckets.

T-Crest (see what I did there?) out.

1 comment:

  1. how about "Idiot Hot!" or "Moron Magnificent!" or "Dumbass Beautiful!"
