Tuesday, March 17, 2009

This Isn't a Writing From a Coffee House or Anything

So lately I have kinda neglected my blog and I'm not really sure why. It didn't do anything wrong. It didn't make me peanut butter with grape jelly when i asked for strawberry jelly. Maybe I've just been too busy, but that's only sorta true. I have had a lot going on, sure, what with my job, school, trying to find an internship, hanging out with Tricia when she came down here, and just all around trying to beat boredom, which in Cincinnati is very hard to do. I figured I should update this in some fashion so people don't think I forgot about it and all of a sudden lose complete contact with me, not like there's facebook or anything.

Yeah, lately I've just been too tired to really want to go to my favorite Douchebucks (as Jeremy would call it) and just write, so I haven't. The funny thing is that I actually have 2 Coffee House Writings 'on call' if you will, and I just don't feel like typing them because I just don't.

So the cool things that I've done lately.

- I got a new camera that is purposefully very piece of crap-like. It's a Holga 120N, and after reading about it on the internet, I was sold. It's a film camera, and it is very cheaply made so that potential light leaks and the overall build of the camera can in enhance the final picture taken. I'm really excited to see my pictures from this first roll of film. I've still got a while before the roll will be done, just because I don't get out and go find that many picture opportunities. Plus, I'm debating what I want to take pictures of. Cincinnati settings? Go walking in rural or park areas and just hope that something comes along? I don't know. It's a hard decision and that's made finding great picture opps.

- I've been watching probably 3-5 movies a week, on average, and most of them have been more independent or arty type movies, usually which are pretty good. Every now and then I'll throw in a random funny or action movie to balance it all out. It's nice, though.

- I have become a fiend for Crossroads free coffee. It's delicious, and it's free.

- My sister came down a week ago today, making her the first visitor I've had since my uncle brought stuff down and my 4th visitor overall. Alright, let me just say this right now, I love my sister, and we had a blast, and I'll describe it in a minute. However, she lives in Chicago. She is home for 2 days and she comes down to visit me. I know, she's my sister, she's a relative, she's bound to come down. That might be true, but to all my friends who live 3 hours away all the time, I know that you can come down here. It's not like I don't have stuff planned for when you come down. You're just leaving yourself out of fun.

- Anyways, yeah, my sister came down, and after a fairly brief tour of what's important in my daily life down here, we came back to my apartment, enjoyed some Lonely Island and a nice episode of Flight of the Conchords (her first viewing of the brilliant show). The next day, we had an awesome day. After showing her where I work, we went thrift store shopping, and it was fantastic. We also ate at Sonic (another first for her), I showed her the amazingness that is Half Price Books, and then we chilled for a bit before going to eat at Noodles and Company (a first for both of us). That was some delicious food. A great first date restaurant. It's a different setting, it's not too expensive, and it's FILLING. Overall, it was a blast hanging out with my sister and it was awesome having someone down here.

Really, those are the only things that have really been going on. School's been fun. Victoria, Jeremy, and I have determined that we are the best combination of the 9 people in our class, because when we get together, there is more possibility for comedy gold than any other time. We just have an awesome chemistry and ability to work off of each other and make each other laugh. It's great. In other news, March Madness this Thursday. I think I'm going to Bdub's with a bracket, and just staying there all day. It's 60 cent boneless wings, so I might be there from noon until the end of the last game and just order wings at will. That would be so much fun.

Alright, I'm done for now. Hopefully I won't almost forget this thing exists and not update for another month or whatever. T-Funk out.

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